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  4. Indiana Governor Race Is Filling Up

Jerry Curry, Staff Writer

Just like the field gets full at the Indianapolis 500, so is the Indiana Governor’s race.

The governorship is the head executive office in the state. There are six candidates that are Republicans, one Democrat, one Libertarian, and one Independent.

The Republican primary is what will be interesting with a full field of six it will be exciting to see who comes out on top. Who will take votes from whom.

Polls in Indiana are now showing Mike Braun with a significant lead. Indiana is not a run-off state. Whoever gets the most votes wins. Braun's closest opponent, Lt. Governor Suzanna Crouch, has a long way to catch up. Running neck and neck for third are Brad Chambers and Eric Doden. Running even further behind are Jamie Reitenour and Curtis Hill.

The Indiana Primary is Tuesday, May 7. The last time this state flipped parties was when Gov. Joe Kernan  finished out Gov. Frank O’Bannon’s term from 2003-2005.  Indiana has had fifty-one governors; some served for two terms or eight years.

Lieutenant governors are nominated by convention, not by the voters in a primary. 

The Independent candidate is Christopher Stried. Representing the Libertarian party is Donald Rainwater. The lone Democrat is Jennifer McCormick. We will see how they run. Be informed and vote.

There are eleven gubernatorial elections taking place in 2024.


Leader Publishing Company of Salem, Inc.
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